Fahd Larhzaoui has starred on stage and screen for more than 20 years. He starred in the award-winning feature film El Houb (2022) in addition to Kung Fu Leeuw (2023), Meskina (2021) and Het laatste verhoor (2018). Fahd featured in the television series Bodem (2024, BNNVARA/NPO), Sleepers 2 (2023, Videoland), The Golden Hour (2022, AVROTROS/NPO), Papadag 2 (2020, AVROTROS/NPO) and Moordvrouw (2018, RTL4). He also hosted the children’s series Huisje Boompje Beestje (2009-2014).His stage credits include Midsummer Night’s Dream (Theatre Oostpool), Schijn (International tour), Shirt Uit Fahd at Het Zuidelijk Toneel) and Casadam (audience award for best international play, F.I.T.U.C. Festival, Casablanca) – full CV on IMDB


Voice-over demo